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HELP with Zoom Classes

Does Zoom annoy you? 
It can definitely be frustrating! If you click the link for your meeting 15 minutes before its start time, I'll be happy to help you set up your controls.

You can also text me
at the number in your reservation email if you are having trouble with a link
or with your setup.

Before Your Meeting

Save your registration email - it contains the Zoom link you'll need to join the event. Just click that link, and Ruth will admit you from the Waiting Room.  

If you haven't already, go to  and download the app for your computer, smartphone, or other device. You don't have to create an account - but it will let you set your screen display name and other preferences, which can save time later.


If you try to join a meeting at the exact start time, you might get delayed while the program downloads an update. To avoid this, open the Zoom. website sometime beforehand so it can take care of any updates.

Controls During a Meeting 

Once you've  you've been admitted to the meeting, you can adjust your controls. On a computer, maximize your window so it fills the screen.

zoom control bar.png

If you don't see the Control Bar, move your cursor to the bottom of your Zoom screen and the bar should appear. 

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