Fresh Start / New Year - 2 Hrs on ZOOM
2pm SAT Dec 21 -or- 2pm SUN Dec 29
Service Description
As the old year winds down and the winter solstice arrives, join us for a reflective pause. Review this chapter of your life and explore what you want and need in the months ahead - without the pressure of "resolutions." No preparation needed! Just BYOB (Bring Your Own Butt) and find a quiet place to sit - you can arrive in a scattered or frazzled mood and settle in as we work. I'll provide a calming space and lead you through several short bursts of writing. What you write is private, and it will built a nuanced view of this turning of the year. You'll leave with a variety of things to explore on your own. Bring a pen you can jot quickly with, and it's nice to have a few colored pens or highlighters and some blank printer paper. Let's start fresh!
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